03 Oct Feature Focus:
Readiness to Train App
STATSports Viper Readiness to Train App is a new and exciting way for monitoring the loading players experience on a daily basis through the use of a subjective questionnaire within their Viper software…
STATSports Viper Readiness to Train App is a new and exciting way for monitoring the loading players experience on a daily basis through the use of a subjective questionnaire within their Viper software. Players can be tracked using the subjective markers within the Viper Readiness to Train application in an intuitive software application for iPad. The Readiness to Train application allows users to ask multiple questions of their players, all of which is completely customisable to cater for different monitoring preferences. As well as this, users can get a rate of perceived exertion for a session and bio-markers such as osmolarity and saliva tests along with the more familiar monitoring markers such as sleep, soreness, stress or whatever marker the user would like to keep track of on a daily basis.
The Readiness to Train app allows players to fill in their subjective information on a tablet which when connected to the cloud will automatically download the information into the Viper system, allowing for further in-depth analysis. These markers can then be compared and viewed against the objective markers obtained via the Viper Pod such as Dynamic Stress Load and Fatigue Index and many more metrics. The ease at which this analysis can be done allows for speedy feedback to players, coaching staff and the medical team to determine a players’ availability for training.
This feature gives both coaching and medical staff the ability to compare and relate subjective information and objective information in the daily process of monitoring player well-being and ability to maximise their training efforts over the course of a season. It brings staff closer to player well-being as well as giving them the ability to spot patterns over time that can help them manipulate player and squad training schedules to have players at their optimal physical condition when they take to the field.
The app can be viewed and downloaded from the iTunes Store by clicking below:
Viper RTT on iTunes App Store
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