24 Feb Sonra Watch: Perfect for RTP, Rehab & Conditioning Sessions
Sonra Watch app is the ultimate link between the art and science of coaching, revolutionising accessible live data, in every session, on your wrist.
Metrics are calculated and processed on-board the Apex device and transferred to the Sonra Watch app via Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 meaning zero data drop-out.
In simple terms this means if a unit goes out of range, the watch will update when back within Bluetooth range. No data is lost.
STATSports are the only provider in the industry to give 100% identical live and post session download data quality.
Accurate live data leads to confident decision making for athlete load management, management of athlete injury risk and rehab players. Sonra watch puts the power back in the end users’ hands.
Sonra Watch application is the ultimate tool for practitioners, perfect for return to play, rehab and conditioning sessions.
The app provides practitioners or athletes themselves with 28 real-time metrics, updating for up to 8 players at a rate of 10 times per second.
Furthermore, practitioners also have the ability to view athletes on multiple Apple Watch devices at the same time.
The 28 available metrics are subdivided into 4 categories: Speed, Distance, Heart Rate and Accelerometer Metrics.
Figure 1. Sonra Watch metric groups. *Distance Z4, Z4-Z6 & Avg Speed missing from above image.
The carousel view can be accessed using the crown on Apple Watch, providing the ability to scroll through each of the key metrics.
Practitioners can use the touch screen on apple watch to scroll left/right to quickly flick between and compare players live during a session.
The metric on display in the player comparison carousel is completely customisable to the user.
This is easily changed by the user depending what they wish to see for each player at that specific time or during the session.
The application allows another simple, yet effective dimension of analysis given the ability to set thresholds.
Users have the ability to set their threshold boundaries using an intuitive, easy to understand traffic light system using colours green, orange and red.
To access the threshold scale settings, on the watch home screen, select settings, then threshold scale.
The screen shown on the left in figure 2 will now appear.
Users have the ability to edit these threshold percentages using the crown on their apple watch.
Figure 2. Customisable Threshold Scale and Threshold Values on Sonra Watch.
Thresholds can be set on an individual basis, or for a group of athletes using global thresholds.
Usefully, thresholds can be set prior to the beginning of a session or during a session.
These can also be updated at any time during the session.
To set thresholds, simply hit the more options icon on any of the 8 selected players, then select the metric you wish to set thresholds for.
To set thresholds, simply use the + and – buttons, or the crown on apple watch.
To set this as an individual threshold, hit ‘set’. To set these thresholds for everyone in the session, select ‘set global’.
If a practitioner sets global thresholds, the metric they have set the threshold with will appear with a globe icon.
If individual thresholds are set the metric will appear with a tick icon, as shown in figure 2.
For a full tutorial on how to set or edit thresholds, please follow this link:
Sonra Watch | Setting Thresholds
In practical terms, this means a practitioner could be pitch side with two (or more) different athletes, rehabbing from different injuries.
For example, an athlete coming back from a hamstring injury who needs to focus on covering HSR meters, and an athlete mid-way through their ACL rehab focusing on total distance covered.
Rehab for these 2 athletes will look very different, but rather than a practitioner focusing on the watch throughout the session, the practitioner will receive notifications with haptic feedback when players reach their thresholds ensuring no players get excessively overloaded.
Figure 3. Threshold Notification System via Haptic Feedback on Sonra Watch.
Usefully, Sonra watch also has a stopwatch feature built in, meaning for timed reps there is no need to use additional apps or a stopwatch.
Everything is in one place, on your wrist, during every session.
Figure 4. Sonra Watches built in Stopwatch and Session Summary Page.
Once the session is complete, prior to starting a new session practitioners have the option to review last session.
This feature is particularly useful for final phase rehab as players begin integration into full team training as this allows an overview of the previous session at a glance.
How does it work?
Sonra Watch App supports Apple Watch Series 2+. Series 3+ supports a maximum of 8 concurrent players, while series 2 Apple watches only support 1 player.
The Sonra application uses Apple HealthKit API in order to be able to communicate with the APEX device over Bluetooth while the app is running in the background.
This continuous communication with the APEX device will allow the app to continue receiving real time and up to date data to display on the app’s user interface.
For more information on getting started with Sonra Watch, contact your Account Manager or get in touch.
Ruth Montgomery
Account Manager – Sports Scientist